Monday, June 16, 2008

40's not so bad!

I spent my birthday with my friend Chris, whose birthday is the same day as mine. We were high school friends who lost touch for a while over the years. The last birthday we spent together was 25 years ago when we were 15.

Funny. It was as if we'd never been apart! We had a fabulous time indulging in pampering activities that, at 40, we deserve.

I'm thinking this 41st year is going to be a good one!

PS - Good luck to all BIGHORN runners this weekend!


TonyP said...

Happy Birthday !

Runner Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Sounds like you had a really nice birthday.

Wishing you all the best during your 41rst year!

Unknown said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday Lisa! Nice to spend it with a good friend with whom you can regale old stories.

However, as you may have heard, 50 is the new 40, so really you're only 30! How's that for losing 10 years in a split second?

BTW, as one who's tried on 50 for a year I can definitely say life does get better the older you get! And you really begin to get your money's worth at races because you spend more time on the trail. ;-)

Bob - said...

ahhh you two look awesome...

Congrats to both you Young Lookin' 40 year olds :) so cool you guys got together for B-Day!!

marathanna said...

Happy birthday, Lisa!


Olga said...

I wanna be like you...wait, I only have a year left to catch up in beauty and youth!