Friday, April 13, 2007

(pic: taken by ANNA BOLDON: MadCity 100k RD Tim Yanachek hugs his Sweetie Ann Heaslett after she finishes in a fabulous time of 8:45:27)

Quick status report:

Legs are good. Quick 7 miler this AM felt fine.

Currently in Seattle. Just finished a custom bike fitting at R&E Cycles. Heading home now. More on that later.

New MadCity 100k pictures from sweetheart Anna Boldon. Badwater veterans will remember her work at Badwater for the past few years.


I've got to do my TAXES tomorrow. My accountant is getting antsy!! (In my world, nothing would ever get done if not for the last minute!) :)


Olga said...

Hope the bike is awesome and lovely and works beautiful and you are able to get it home safe!!!
Neat pics too.

Bob - said...

LISA Said: I've got to do my TAXES tomorrow. My accountant is getting antsy!! (In my world, nothing would ever get done if not for the last minute!) :)
Ye Ye -- I finished mine on Weds. BUT that was after saying I was going to get them done by March this year :-(
Good luck on that tax thing!
Great Pic Ann Heaslett, I love a good "Big Hug" picture and that is a good one!

Glad u got ur run in and getting that bike ready for you to rock & ROLL some roads!

Olga said...

I really enjoy looking at the finish line - whether in life or on pictures. So many emotions!!

Oh, yeah,, that's late, get er'done!