Sunday, January 21, 2007

Coach says run for 3 hours... I did.

I didn't stop to think about how cold it was or that the roads were covered in unplowed snow or that I hadn't run for 3 hours straight since the Las Vegas Marathon on December 10th. I just did it. And THAT'S the benefit of having a coach!

I hired Lisa Smith-Batchen this weekend. After talking with her and explaining my goals and hearing her take on how she likes to coach, I knew it'd be a good thing. Accountability and needing to "make time" are my biggest reasons for getting some help with getting back to ultrarunning shape. I'm very happy with my decision.

And I'm very happy that she "made" me run for 3 hours - despite the cold. I would've wimped out if it were just me telling me to do it.

So, I bundled up appropriately and threw on my new UD Wink hydration system and ran the rolling roads. At times the snow was so high there was no way I could run; it was hard even to walk. All the uneven footing challenged my ankle and it was a little sore when I finished. The Wink is incredible. It's a perfect fit: no bounce, no uncomfortable straps, no slipping off my shoulders, the right amount of storage space. This is a great pack for a petite runner!

My legs feel fine now. That's the benefit of slowing down, which Lisa also instructed me to do. Maybe too it was the post-run sauna session that helped. In any case, I've got the Death Valley Trail Marathon in 2 weeks so now's not the time to trash my body. The 3-hour run was perfect.

Then to top off a great day, David and I met Keith and Allison who are friends of ours from Chicago for dinner. Keith and Ali moved from Chicago to Seattle before we moved from Chicago to Spokane. We've met periodically over the years at races in Washington and also at Western States. My very first Western States I ran with Keith up Squaw to the peak all the way to Cougar Rock. This past August they (with their 20-month old daughter) moved to Sandpoint, Idaho, so now they are even closer. It was very nice to meet Kelly, the youngin', and to see Keith and Ali again. They are great people. We talked about some local races and how we all need to start RUNNING them!

Another weekend down. Back to work in the AM.


Olga said...

Oh, it's wonderful Lisa hired Lisa, A Badwater veteran for a Badwater runner and doctor !!! You'll do awesome together, I know you will! And yes, Lisa loves coaching:) Looking forward to hearing how the runs/workouts go and how your ankle grows strong!

Bob - said...

Hey Fellow Student--hehe

Way to go and get the 3 hour run done in the snow!! Your picture looks great, your stylin' :-)

That is awesome Lisa's coaching you now, I love the accountability part too...

I think I may have told you but I forget :-( Since I have such a lot to learn I made the commitment & investment to go to Death Valley in May to Running Camp hosted my Lisa and Marshall Ulrich should be a blast...

Hmmm need to learn more about the Hydration packs too :-)

Take care,


Lisa B said...

Hi Olga & Bob,
Yes, I'm very happy about my decision to hire Lisa. Indeed, she is very good. I just hope I am a good enough student! Bob, that's great about the DV camp. Marshall is one of ultrarunning's greatest too. You'll be learning from the best for sure. Olga, I'm so happy to read about your are really taking off! Keep up the fabulous hard work. It's going to pay off this year. Hopefully, for all of us. :)